A-levels: Results in full

A-level results day 2015.A-level results day 2015.
A-level results day 2015.
Pupils across Harrogate, Nidderdale, Knaresborough, Ripon and Wetherby are collecting their A-level results today (Thursday).

Keep checking this page throughout the day for the results from schools around the area.

Harrogate Grammar School

H Adams graphic com, busi studs, geog, B Agars-Smith gen studs, sociol, L Alexander-Pike busi studs, med studs, trav and tour, M Allan biol*, chem*, maths, B Allen busi studs, geog, trav and tour, L Almond gen studs, health and soc c, sociol, sport and pe, A Al-Moozany biol, econ, psychol, C Arden prod des, gen studs, hist, J Ashton chem, maths*, phys, E Atkinson econ, eng lit*, hist*, E Baker maths, psychol, sport and pe, J Baldwin busi studs, B Ball biol, chem, maths, phys, L Blaskett photy*, geog, geol, W Blenkinsopp geog, hist, gov and polits, K Booth graphic com, busi studs, med studs, G Boulton graphic com, comp*, econ**, E Boyd busi studs, econ*, maths, L Braham photy*, eng lang, sociol, J Briggs busi studs, fine art, psychol, M Brill biol, geog**, geol, H Brockway biol, geog*, rel studs, K Brodie eng lit*, hist**, gov and polits, G Brooke biol, chem, geog, I Broughton eng lit**, mus, psychol, C Brown dram and theat studs, econ*, eng lang, D Brown geog, psychol, E Brown geog, psychol, sociol, G Brown biol, health and soc c, psychol, A Bryant fren**, maths**, span**, J Buckland eng lang, eng lit, hist, B Buckley hist, psychol, sport and pe, E Bulled fine art**, geog*, maths*, M Bulled econ, gen studs, psychol, C Burrett busi studs, gov and polits, sociol, R Butler geog, maths, gov and polits, A Buxton eng lang, psychol, sociol, H Cairns fine art**, geog, sociol, A Cameron-Jones biol, econ*, maths*, B Chan maths*, FA maths, phys, psychol, K Chan graphic com**, busi studs, fine art**, M Cherrington photy, busi studs, J Chessman econ*, maths**, FA maths, A Clarke econ*, maths**, FA maths*, phys**, C Clarke biol, eng lit, A Clayson fine art, sociol, M Cliff busi studs, health and soc c, sport and pe, H Cockcroft eng lang, psychol, O Collingwood psychol, geol, P Connall graphic com, fine art, J Cook geog, hist, psychol, A Cooper eng lit*, psychol*, K Creeley eng lit**, fine art**, maths*, A Currin econ, maths**, phys**, E Dalzell graphic com, fine art*, sociol*, M Dante prod des, fine art**, geol, S Darwent busi studs, eng lang, gen studs, health and soc c, E Davenport biol, chem, maths*, FA maths, J Davies eng lit, health and soc c, med studs, L Davies chem*, maths**, phys*, A Dawson econ*, geog, psychol*, H Deacon biol**, chem**, maths*, R Dennis hist, mus, psychol, J Derbyshire biol, econ*, maths*, A Dewar econ*, maths*, FA maths, phys, H Dickinson maths*, gov and polits*, span*, J Dorward geog, gov and polits, sociol*, S Doyle chem*, maths**, FA maths**, phys*, R Duff dram and theat studs, fine art*, L Edgar biol**, chem**, maths**, H Edmunds busi studs, med studs, trav and tour, A Edwards biol*, chem*, maths**, FA maths**, L Emmett eng lit, hist*, gov and polits*, B Etherington econ, eng lang, gen studs, S Feasey econ*, hist*, gov and polits, H Fewkes busi studs*, health and soc c, sport and pe, M Finlay-Hudson photy*, eng lit*, hist, R Fisk graphic com, prod des, G Flack graphic com, photy, E Foley fren, germ*, gov and polits*, J Furby graphic com, busi studs, fine art, A Gair eng lit**, rel studs, sociol*, L Gair psychol, sport and pe, K Gilford-Alderson med studs, trav and tour, B Goddard prod des, geog, phys, B Goldthorp econ*, maths, phys*, M Goodacre econ*, geog*, hist*, C Grant psychol, sociol, E Grant eng lit, psychol, rel studs, S Grant busi studs, gen studs, germ, psychol, A Gray dram and theat studs, eng lit, gov and polits, E Gray biol, geog, psychol*, E Grayson eng lang, eng lit, hist, S Grazier busi studs, gen studs, geog, psychol, H Green graphic com, eng lang, T Greenwood biol, geog, sport and pe, B Griffiths maths*, FA maths, phys, R Griffiths photy, fine art, psychol, J Grindrod geog, maths, psychol, A Hannam comp, maths, phys, K Hanson econ, gen studs, sport and pe, G Hargreaves biol, psychol, sociol, B Harris eng lang, eng lit, med studs, L Harrison geog, geol, sociol, M Harrison-Hemingway eng lang, eng lit, geog, B Hawkins biol, geog*, maths, J Hill econ*, maths, sport and pe*, R Hilton eng lit*, fine art*, gov and polits*, M Homburg chem*, maths**, FA maths*, phys*, J Honeysett comp, H Hornby comp, econ*, phys, J Horne prod des, fine art*, maths, C Hosie comp, rel studs, sociol, E Houlgate graphic com, eng lit, med studs, G Hudson graphic com, photy, sociol, N Hughes busi studs, geog, sport and pe, S Humphrey fren, maths**, FA maths*, D Ingram comp, maths, phys, J Ireland econ*, gov and polits, sociol*, L Ireland eng lit, fine art*, geog, E Isherwood biol, eng lit*, sociol*, D Jablonskyte biol, chem, psychol*, russ*, V Jackson dram and theat studs, health and soc c, rel studs, J Jacob busi studs*, sport and pe**, trav and tour*, J Jacobs biol*, econ*, maths**, FA maths*, V Jenkins busi studs, eng lang, geog, B Johnson photy, busi studs, sport and pe, N Johnson photy, eng lang, eng lit, E Jones geog, health and soc c, trav and tour, B Keane biol, chem, maths, J Keane gen studs, sociol, sport and pe, E Keeler graphic com, fine art, med studs, W Kemp busi studs, sport and pe, G Keogh biol, chem, econ, P Keogh biol, chem*, psychol*, O King econ**, maths, psychol*, J Lacey eng lit, psychol, sport and pe, Y Lai chin, eng lang, eng lit, W Laird biol, ital*, psychol, E Lamb biol, geog, psychol*, E Lascelles health and soc c, maths, psychol, B Lawrence biol, chem*, maths*, D Lawson photy, fine art, health and soc c, S Lawson biol, fine art, psychol, G Layfield econ, geog, sociol, I Lee eng lit, sociol, S Letts chem, maths*, phys, A Lewis busi studs, econ, geog, R Liddle eng lang, hist*, maths, gov and polits, H Liles biol, fine art*, mus*, J Lonergan biol, chem, econ, G Lowe-Smith biol, eng lang, psychol, L Mansfield graphic com*, photy, med studs, M Manyonganise biol, chem, econ, H Margerison dram and theat studs, eng lit*, fine art**, C Martin biol**, chem*, geog**, J Martin eng lit, M Martin graphic com*, mus, B Massey biol, geog, geol, J McAllister biol**, chem**, maths**, S McAvoy econ*, psychol*, sport and pe, A McFarthing chem**, maths**, FA maths**, phys**, N McGarrell eng lang**, geog**, psychol**, J Mens germ**, hist**, ital**, rel studs**, J Mitchell biol**, chem**, fren**, maths**, S Mitchell biol**, chem**, maths*, span**, T Mitchell chem*, maths**, FA maths**, phys**, E Mitchell-Wilde dram and theat studs, mus, D Moffat biol, fren, gen studs, geog, J Moss biol*, chem*, ital*, maths*, H Motley graphic com*, photy, D New maths, phys, sociol, D Newby econ*, fren, gov and polits, I Newton geog, psychol, sociol, E Nicolaides busi studs, eng lang*, geog**, R O’Brien busi studs, fren, span, O Oglesby photy*, eng lang, med studs, M Ormond biol, maths, phys, P Owen busi studs, sociol, trav and tour, E Palmer biol*, chem, maths*, S Palmer busi studs, econ, mus, S Parmar eng lang, D Parry maths, FA maths, phys, H Paterson eng lang, eng lit, sociol, C Pearson-Sengel biol*, chem*, maths*, T Penswick prod des, geog*, sport and pe, D Petch geog, geol, F Pilling graphic com, econ, gen studs, geog, C Pinney photy**, busi studs, med studs, R Pitt maths**, FA maths**, phys*, F Plant psychol*, sociol, C Potter busi studs, sociol, C Preston graphic com, photy*, H Pritchard dram and theat studs, rel studs, sociol, O Prole econ, eng lang, geog, S Pugh busi studs*, geog*, psychol**, D Raychinova fine art**, psychol, sociol**, A Reekie eng lit, rel studs, N Richardson biol, geog*, psychol*, N Rickards graphic com, busi studs, comp, G Robertson econ*, maths, phys*, M Robertson photy*, eng lit, hist, T Robins dram and theat studs, health and soc c, rel studs*, J Robson chem*, hist, maths**, FA maths**, phys**, J Romilly chem, geog, health and soc c, D Rose econ*, gen studs, geog, hist*, J Rule busi studs, econ, H Saddington busi studs, fine art, geog, L Scott biol, comp, geog, G Sellers hist, gov and polits, psychol, M Senior graphic com, comp, prod des, R Sharpe biol, fren, maths, T Sheriff econ*, maths**, FA maths**, phys*, A Shreeve econ, gov and polits*, sociol*, T Shute econ, geog, maths, G Simister busi studs, sport and pe, trav and tour, E Simmons biol*, econ*, eng lit*, S Slater fine art, E Sleight eng lang*, eng lit*, hist, R Smith-Price busi studs, rel studs, sociol, P Sneddon eng lang, psychol**, rel studs, P Sorkin geog*, maths, sociol, L Spradley eng lang, A Stephanides hist*, maths**, FA maths**, phys**, L Sutton busi studs, econ, psychol, M Swalwell econ*, maths*, phys*, M Tan fine art, A Taylor econ, hist, gov and polits, E Thompson eng lit, geog, hist*, L Tipping econ, maths, sport and pe, M Todd busi studs, health and soc c, trav and tour, V Todd busi studs, eng lang, hist, J Twineham photy, C Verity biol, geog*, gov and polits, A Walker biol, health and soc c, sociol, M Walmsley eng lit*, germ, gov and polits*, T Wareing econ*, hist, maths**, Y Waters busi studs, econ, eng lang, L Watson maths**, FA maths, phys*, K Weaver hist**, gov and polits**, psychol**, S Webb econ*, eng lit**, fren, maths*, G White biol**, chem**, germ*, maths**, M Whitehouse biol, psychol*, sociol*, L Whiteley fren, psychol, span*, A Wilkes graphic com**, busi studs, trav and tour*, R Wilson chem, maths, phys, K Wilton photy, maths, sociol*, M Winetrobe biol, eng lit, health and soc c, M Wright chem, health and soc c, psychol, H Wynne photy*, med studs.

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St Aidan’s and St John Fisher Associated Sixth Form, Harrogate

S Abel, Bi, Ma, Dp; A Adelekan, Ec^, Bi^, Ma*; H Akitt, Ch, Ma^, Ph, (Mf); M Akthar, Sp, Rs, Hi; B Albert, Pe, So, Me; S Ames, Ma^, Fr, Ch; F Andryszewska, Gg^, Ma, Hi*; S Anthony, El^, Rs, Ag^, Gs; R Archbold, Bi^, Ph, Df*; A Ashton-Evans, En, Me; C Astley, El, Hi*, Po, Gs; H Atherton, Bi, Hi*, Ch^; A Atkinson, El, Hi^, Ps, Gs; D Austwick, Bi, Pe, Gs, (Sc); M Bagshaw, Ma, Gg, El; C Bailes, Rs, He; C Baker, Ps, El, Hi, Gs; M Baker, Bi^, Ch^, Ts, Ep^; A Banks, Ec, Ba, Ps; T Barnes, Ec, Fr, Mu; M Barnett, So, Ap, He; R Barnicoat, Bi^, Ma^, Ch^, Ph, Ep^; C Barron, Ts, Bi, Ag; H Barry, Po, El, Ts; A Barton, Gg^, Bi, Ps*, Gs; M Barton , Ch, Ph, Bi; M Bates, Ma, Ch, Bi; I Battersby, Ma, Ar^, El; J Baxter, El, Ah, Ps; M Bedford, Sp, Fr, Gg, Gs; D Beech, Gg, Ma, Ec^, Ep*; M Bell, El^, Po^, Hi*; M Bell, Ps^, Hi^, Ec; T Bell, Bi, Ba, Pe; A Bennett, El*, Gg^, Ch; A Beresford, El, Ps, Rs; L Best, Ap, Hs; A Bhandal, Ba, St, Hi; D Bhandal, Ps, Rs, Hi; H Bhandal, Ba, Ap, Pe; H Binder, Ba, Ag, Sc; M Binks, Pe, Gg, Bi; E Bird, Ar, Ag^, Dp, Gs; W Blanc, Ec^, Ma^, Hi*; D Bliss, Co, El; E Bloodgood, Po, Ah, El; R Blunt, Ts, Gg, Ar^, Gs; D Blyde, Ar, En, Ag; A Blythe, Po, Hi, (Ma); G Boatfield, En, Gg, Ph; H Bodey, Ch*, Fr*, Ma^, Bi*, Ep^; O Bonini, Ch, Rs; H Bostyn, El*, Hi*, So*, Ep*, Gs^; C Boulton, Hi, El, Rs; A Bowden, Sp, Fr, Gg; J Bowerman, Co, Ag, Ps; M Boyd, Ma, El*, Hi*; B Bracewell, Rs, Fr, De, Gs; L Bradd, Da^, Pa^, Ts; E Brady, El, Ec, Bi, Gs; J Breen, Pe, El, Hi; T Brennan, Po^, Hi^, Gg; J Bridgett-Tomkinson, (Ma); A Britton, Ng, Ba, Dp; J Brizzolara, Ar, Ap; N Bromley, Ph, Ec^, Ma*; S Brook, Sp, Bi^, Ch^; S Brown, Rs, So, Lw, Gs; G Bruce, Gg, Fr; R Buckley, Ba, St, Ar; V Burton, Ap*, El^, Rs; V Bush, El, Ah, Ar*, Ep*; L Callaghan, Po, El, Bi; R Cameron, Hi^, Gg, Po; J Camidge, El, Lw, Ec^, Gs; N Camilleri, Hs, (Ps); T Campbell, Ph, Ma^, Ch^; R Cardwell, Mt, Ma, Ec^; J Carey, Sb; E Carrington, En, Me, He; R Carr-Whitworth, Ts^, Bi*, Hi*, Gs; G Carter-Daggett, Ps, Ch, Bi; R Cassidy, Bi^, Ma*, Ch^, Ep^; E Catli, Ps, He, It; H Chana, He, Ar; S Chandler, Ap, Ba, Dx; B Chaplow, Hi*, Sp^, El*, Gs^; H Chapman, Bi, Ch; B Chilvers, Sp, Fr, Gs, (Ma^); V Chiyaka, Hs, En; T Choudhury, Ma, Bi, Ch, Ep; S Chumas, Ch^, Ma*, Ph^; E Churchill, Po^, El^, Hi^; S Clark, Co, St, (Sc); N Clarkson, Ph^, Ma*, Mf^; A Clayton, Ts, Ap, He; C Clayton, Pe, He, Sc; G Cocker, Bi, Ps^, Df*; C Cohen, Ch*, Ma^, Bi*, Ep; L Cole, El, En, Ts; D Colley, Po, El, Mu; L Colman, En, Lw, Pe; W Connor, Sb, St, Ap; J Cowlam, Hi, Ap*, De; A Crawford, Po*, Hi*, El*; G Creighton, Ar*, El*, Gg*, (Ha); J Creighton, Ph, Ah^, Ma, Ep; P Cressey, St, Go, (Ec); B Crompton, Ap, So, Dp; J Crowther, Ps, Gg, El; J Cruddos, Ec, Ch, Ma; L Culpin, En, Ba, El; E Cunningham, Ar^, Hi^, Gg^; E Curtis, Sp, El, Ba^, Gs; F Dale, Ar^, Gg, Bi; R Damp, Ps*, Bi*, Ch^, Gs; J D’Arcy, Ap, Bt; J Davidson, Da, Pa, Ts; E Davies, Po; M Davies, Ma^, Ps, Hi^; O Davies, Ps, Ch, Bi^; E Davies-Varnier, Ph, Ma, Ch; G Davis, Ar*, Me^, Ap*; H Davis, El, Ba, Ps, Gs; O De Wyche, Gg, St, Go; E Deakins, Hi, El, Mu^; T Dean, El, Po^, Gg; H Dennis, Ba, Ec; K Derham, Hs, So, Gs; K Dewhurst, Ts^, Bi, Gg, Gs; A Deyermond, Bi^, Ph, Ch, Gs; N Dickinson, Ma^, Ec^, Ph^, Gs; N A Dickinson, Ar, El, Gg, Gs; C Dixon, Gg, Ps, Pe, Gs; P Douglas, Po, Ed, Ts; C Doyle, Rs, En, Ps; J Dudman, Bi, Pe, Ps; P Duffield, Ba, Ch, Df*; E Dunn, Ma*, Hi^, Fr*, Gs^; E Dunn, Ng, Sc, Me; E Dutton, Ar, Hi, El; A Duxbury, Ar^, Ag^, Bi; R East, Ps^, Gg^, Hi*; M Eckert, Rs, Gg, El, Gs; C Edwards, Hs, En; C Erskine, Bi, Ah, Ps, (Ch); G Erwin, Ap, Ba, Gg; L Evans, Rs, Ah, Po^; F Ewing, El, Sp^, Ps; K Exley, Gg, En, El^; F Fairweather, Ph, Ch, Bi; C Fallow, De, Ba, Fr; A Farley, Po, En, Hi^; L Fell, En, (Da); A Fenlon, Ps, Gg, Ts^; J Fincham-Dukes, Pe, Ps, Bi; H Fleetwood, El, Hi^, Ps^, Ep; M Fletcher, Pe, Dp; A Flint, Gg^, Bi*, Ch^; R Flower, Hi, Sp, De, Ep*; I Flynn, Hi^, Ma^, Rs^; Z Fonquernie, Rs, Ps, De; W Foster, Ng^, Ma, Dp; K Fox, Pe, El, (En); E Frain, Ts, Rs, Ap; H France, Ts, Ap, Gg; I Froggatt, Gg, Bi, El, Gs; S Gaertner, Ps, Ar, Fr, (Ch); J Gausden, El^, So*, Ps^; J Gavin, Ch*, Ma*, Mf^; C Geraghty, Gg, He, Ps; F Gillies, Sp^, Fr^, Gg; M Gilmore, En, Lw, Me; D Gingras, Ma^, Fr, Ag^, Ep, (Ha); M Glegg, Ba, Ag, Dp; D Glover, Po, Ba, Ed; D Glynn, Mt, El^, Hi^; T Goldring, Ph, Ma^, Go^; L Gotting, Hi, Po, Ts; M Goulding, Ng^, Ph, Ec; G Graham, Ps, He, Sc; K Grainger, Po, Hi, Fr^; H Grange, Ma*, Mf, Ph; N Gray, Rs, Ps, Bi, Gs; R Grenham, Ec^, Ma, Hi^; J Gribbon, (Ba); H Griffiths, Gg, Go, (Tt); A Guilder, Po, Hi^, El^; H Hailwood, Ec, Hi^, Po, Gs; R Haldane, Pe, Ma, Dp^; J Halford, Da, El, Pa; A Hall, Hi^, El, Gg, Gs; B Hall, Bi*, Ma*, Ec*, Gs^; M Hall, Co, Ec, Ma; S Hanahoe, Ma*, Ps, Fr; L Harkleroad, Me, Ap; O Harland, Sb, He; K Harper, Ba^, So, Ps; J Harris, Ma^, Ph, Ec, Gs; D Harrison, Hi, Ec, El; J Harrison, Ba, Ed; F Hassall, Ba, Ag; J Haswell, Gg, Ba, (Tt); B Havercroft, Ap, (Tt); J Havercroft, Hs; E Hayhurst, Ec^, Po^, Hi^; E Headford, El, En, Ps; C Heard, Po^, Sp, Mu^, Gs; O Heard, Ar, Gg, Go; S Heaton, Ba, Df; J Heeley, Ba, Ap, Po; T Hemingway, Ch, Ma*, Ph; L Hernandez, Ch, Bi^, Ma; J Heyes, En, He; C Hickson, Ps, Hi, Rs; J Higgins, Po, Ps^, Hi^; R Higgins, Hi^, Po^, Ec^; C Hill, Bi^, Gg^, Ph; L Hill, Po, Ar*, El^; O Hill, Gg, Ba, Sc; G Hinchliffe, Ar, Ed, Me; J Hirst, Ps, Hi, Rs, Gs; J Hirst, Ps^, Hi^, Ec; A Holmes, Ts, En; H Holroyd, Ma, Ph, (Mf); F Hopkins, En^, Po^, Hi^; E Hopkinson, Hi^, Rs^, Po*, Gs^; M Horner, Ec, Rs, St; V Houseman, Hs, Ap; M Hryszko, Co, Ec, Ma; C Hudson, Ch, Gg, Df^; P Hudson, Ap, Ed, He; T Hudson, Sc, Dx; S Hughes, Sb; E Hynard, Bi*, Ps*, Sp, Gs; M Inglis, Gg, Ap, Go; N Ishaq, Ts, Ar^, Pa, Gs; K Jackson, Ah, Ag^, Fr; M Jackson, Ma, Ba^, El^; R James, Ch*, Ma*, Mf*, Ph^; L Jamieson, Ma^, Rs*, Ph^, Gs^; R Jenkins, Ec^, Gg, Hi^; T Jennings, Ba, Hi, Ps; A Johnson, Hi, Ma, Mf, Gs; C Johnson, Ma, Bi, Ps; E Johnson, Ch, He, Bi; E Johnson, El, Po, Hi; A Johnston, Bi^, Fr^, Ar^, Ep^; T Johnstone, Ph, Ma, Ch; D Jones, Ph, Ma, Ch, Ep; M Jones, So*, Gg^, Ps^, Gs; M Jones, Gg, Rs, El^; J Jones-Williams, Ph, Ma, Bi; M Jonsen, Ec, Ch, Ma; I Jordan, Ar, El, He; P Jowsey, Ts, Hi, Rs, Gs; L Kato, Ng, Ma, Dp, Ja; A Kaye, Bi, En, Ch; L Keller, Ar; R Kelsall, Hi, Ps, Gs, (Sc); H Kempson, Ch, Hi, Bi; K Kennedy, En^, So^, Ps^; G Kent, Me, Ap; E King, Fr, Ma, Ch; O Kon, Ch, Ph, Bi; S Kremer, Ma*, Hi*, Fr^, El^; S Kuunal, Bi^, Ap, Ps^; B La Bonte, En, El, Me; K Laughey, Bi^, Ma^, Hi*, Gs; B Laurence, Ba, Ps, Po, Gs; M Law, Bi, Ma^, Ch; S Lawes, Ph, Ma, Ch, Gs; H Lawson, Ec, Gg^, Pe; J Legg, Ch, Gg^, Bi; O Lennon, Ps, Hi, Pe; J Lewington, Ma^, Ar^, Ch; S Lewis, Hi, Po, Bi, Gs; L Lidster, Sb, Gg; A Lister, Ps, Bi, Hi, Gs; R Lockie, Bu, Sc; B Lonsdale, Rs, So, Mu, Gs; H Lowry, Ts, El, Dx; E Lowson, Ap, En, Ts; A Macapagal, Bi, Ch^, Ma; M Macdermott, El*, Ps*, Ar*; K Macfarlane, Ba^, St^, Ec*; N Macfarlane, Da, Pa, He; V Mackay, Ma, Ch, Bi; L Mackenzie, Gg; C Mackintosh, Ch*, Bi*, Hi^, Gs, Ep*; A Maclennan, Ar, Ba, Dx; S Maclusky, El, Me, Ag; J Magambo, Gg, Ma, Ch; S Malone, Ph, St, Go, Gs; C Mansfield, Ma, Pe, Gg; E Marks, Sb; A Martorana, Bi*, Gg*, El*; H Mason, Rs, Pa, Ar^; C Mather, Ch, Ma, Bi, Ep*; B Mathew, Co, Ma, Ap^; L Maxwell, Co, Ma*, De; M McAleer, Ma, Ps, El; E McArthur, Rs^, Ps*, Bi^, Ep*; M McCormick, Bu*^, Ec; H McCorry, Gg, El, (Ba^), (En); B McGettigan, Ts, Po, Mu; K McGolpin, Po^, Hi^, El^, (Rs^); J McGonagle, Po, Gg, Hi; C McKell, Rs, Hi, El; N McKeown, Ar^, El, Ps; C McLaughlin, Po, En, Ec, Gs; R McLaughlin, Ts, El, Ag, Ap^; K McPartland, Bu, El; A Mellor, Mt, Pa^, Mu*; A Mellor, Ar, Rs, Dx; C Miall, Ps^, Ma^, Ch^, Ep*; T Middlebrook, Ph^, Ma*, Go*, Gs; B Miley, Gg, Pe, St; A Millson, Ps^, En, Rs; J Millson, Ma, Ch, Bi; E Mitchell, Ap, Me, Hi; J Mitchell, Ma, Ph, Ch^; S Moncaster, Ar, El, Gs, (En); Z Moodie, Po, El, Hi; E Moore, Ma^, Gg^, Ch^, Gs; J Moore, Ag, (Ap); A Morgan, Ma^, Hi^, Fr; R Morgan, Ma, El, Ch; D Morton, En, Ap, Ts; D Moulson, Co, Ec; R Needham, Bi, Hi, Ps; A Neville, Hs, Sc; L Newbern, Bi, Sp, Ch, Gs; M Newbould, Bi^, Ma^, Ch*, Ep*; W Newton, Ah, Gg^, Go^; R Nicholas, Ma^, Bi*, Ch*, Gs; G Nicholson, Ch^, Bi, Ma; J Niles, Ap, Me, Ag; T Nip, Ch, Ma, Bi; G Noland, Ba, Gg^, El; E North, En, Gg, Dp^; F Oates, En, Ba, Po, Gs; P Oates, En, El, (Sc); T Oates, Ap, Bt; G O’Boyle, Ps, Gg, Rs; M O’Brien, Po, Ed^; W O’Brien, Sp, Me^, En; E O’Connell, He, El; D Odell, Bi^, Ma^, Ch; I Offor, Bi, Ch, Go^, In; L Ogbonson, Sp, Gg, Ec; J Oliver, Ch, Bi^, Ps^; J O’Rourke, Ba, Lw, Rs, Gs; L Ortiz, Me, En, Ts; S Orton, Ba, He, Df^; D Owen, Hi, Ar, Dx; L Owens, Hi, El, Ma, (Ha); G Parker, Ma*, Ph*, Ch*, Gs; G Paul, Ap*, El^, Ph; D Paynes, Ts^, Ma, Ph, Gs; W Peacock, Ps, Gg, Ec; C Pearce, El, Rs, Hi; J Pearce, Ma, Ec, Ch; H Pearson, El, Rs, Po; G Percy, Ps, He, Sc; A Perry, Ar, Gg^, Fr, Gs; L Petch, Da, El, Pa; C Pettit, Rs^, Hi*, El^, (Ha), Ep*; G Petts, Ap; A Phull, Ch, Bi, Ps*; S Piipponen-Doyle, Ma^, Ps, Bi, Gs; L Pike, Gg*, Ba, Hi*; J Pilkington, Hi, Mt; J Plant, Gg, Pe, Bi, Gs; M Plant, Ch, Bi, Ar^; L Platts-Dunn, Sp^, El^, Hi^, Gs, Ep^; G Potter, Po, Ma, El, Gs; E Prenton, Ec, Po, Hi; B Prideaux, Ps, Gg, He; K Purdie, Ps, Rs; R Raffle, Ma*, Ch^, Ph; Y Rafique, Bi, Ps, Ch, Ep^; L Rainford, El, En, Ec; I Ramsden, El, En, Me; E Rashkovan, Bu, It; W Rawson, Ps, Bi, Ph, Gs; I Reed, El^, Hi*, Mu, Gs; H Reilly, Rs, Gg, Ps; J Reilly, Bi*, Ma^, Ch^, Ep; M Rice, Bi, Ma, Ch; A Richards, Ap, Me, Hi^; C Richards, Gg, Rs, Bi, Gs; C Richards, Ts, Mt, Ap; L Rix, Ts, Ps, Mu; R Rizos, Bi, Hi, Ps; A Roberts, Ng, Gg, (Sc); T Roberts, Bi, Ph, Pe, Gs; C Robins, Ch^, Sp, Fr^, Ep^; E Robinson, Hs, En; G Robinson, En, Ps, He; L Robson, Gg, Ec, Ar; A Rollerson, Ph, Gg, Bi; D Romans-Hay, Bi, So, Ps; S Rosenvinge, So, Ed, Ps^; B Rowe, Ma*, Mf*, Mu^; Z Ryan, Ps, El, He; I Sadiq, Bi, Ma, Ec; J Sanderson, Ba, Ts; R Sanderson, Gg^, Ma*, Mf^, Gs, Ep^; T Sanderson, Ch^, Ps*, Bi*; I Saxby, Po, En, El; P Schofield, Ap, Sc, Ar; R Scholes, Rs, Ec, Po; E Scullion, Sp^, Fr^, Ma; E Selway, Rs, Fr, Ps; K Semeniuk, Ba, Dx, (Pl); H Shanks, Ch*, Hi*, Bi*, Ep*; A Sharp, Ts, Ps*, Bi*; M Sharp, Ap*, En, Hi; L Shaw, Ts, Sp, Rs; M Shepherd, Ma, Ph, Ec^; M Shermer, Gg, Rs, Ap; J Sigsworth, Sb, Hi; C Simister, Sb, He; D Simpson, Rs^, El^, Mu*, Gs^; M Sissons, Ch, Rs, (Bi); A Sivanandarajah, Ap, Sc, Me; J Slator, Sb, Sc; K Smallman, Ba^, Gg^, El; B Smith, Fr^, Sp*, Ps^, Ep^; D Smith, Sb; J Smith, En, Rs, Bi; J Smith, Sb; S Smith, Hi^, Sp^, Ma^; W Smith, Bu, Ec; G Snee, Ma, Bi, Ph; R Spence, Bu, St; C Spratt, Ma^, Ph, Mu; M Staunton-Sykes, Ma, Po^, Mu; M Steele, Ps, Hi*, El; E Steggles, Ba, Ap, Ar; C Stephenson, Ma^, Pe*, Ph^; T Stevenson, Ec*, Ma*, Ch^, Gs; H Stobert, Bi, Ma, Pe; R Stockmann, Hi^, El, Ar, Gs; L Stonebanks, Ma*, Mf^, Ch^; L Stoodley, Sb, Me; A Stratford, Gg, El, Gs; J Sucharzewski, Ba, (Ba), Ap; M Suffling, Ec^, Ma, Ph, (Mf); P Sunley, Ma, Po^, Ec; B Sutton, Sb, (Ba); H Swales, Ba, Df, (Sc); Z Swearman, Hs, Rs; A Talic, Po, Pe, Hi; K Tarr, Ma, Ba, So; A Taylor, Ar, Po, El; K Taylor, Ps, Ma, Ec; M Taylor, Ma^, Ph^, Ch; M Taylor, Fr^, Sp^, De^; P Taylor, Ch, Ma, Bi; J Tear, Gg, En, Me; K Thompson, Rs, Pe, Sc; A Tillotson, Ma, Ph, El; C Towers, Sb; J Trickey, En, Mt, Ps; L Tuley, Po, Ba, Lw; J Turnbull, Ma^, Ch^, Bi^; A Turner, En, Me^, So, Gs; M Tutesigensi, Po*, Hi*, Rs*, Ep*; E Tutt, Mt, Gg, Go, Gs; A Ulett, Ar, El, Me; S Unsworth, Ch^, Bi^, Ma^; S Van Zelst, Hi, Ps, Po; E Vertigan, Hs, Ar, Sc^; E Wade, Ma, Ps^, El^; O Waite, Ba, Mt, Ar; A Wallace, Ch^, Ma*, Ph*, Gs, (Mf^), Ep*; J Wallace, Ba, Ec, (Pe); M Wan, Ch^, Ma^, Bi^, Ep*; E Warner, Gg, Go; E Waters, Ch, En, Mu; J Watkinson, Hi, El, Gg; F Weerasinghe, Ts, Pa^, El; L Welbourn, Ps, Gg, Bi; O Welburn, Hs, It; L Wells, Ec, Ma, El; E Cheesbrough-Wharton, Ps, Lw, Hi, Gs; H Wheatley, Bi, Ps, He; J Whitworth, Ph, Gg, Ma^, Gs; R Wiggins, Rs, Ps, Mu, Gs; R Wilkinson, Sp, En^, Ts; P Williams, En, Ps, Ap; R Williams, So*, Lw, Ps^; S Williams, Gg^, Hi^, Rs^; T Williams, Ph, Ma^, Ch, Gs, Ep; J Willson, Ph, Gg, Go^, Gs; L Winn, Ar, Ba, Dx, Gs; A Winter, Ts, Bi, Ps, Gs; R Winter, Da^, Pa^, Ts^; P Worley, El, Sp, Dx^; E Wrigglesworth, Rs, Ma^, Ph; A Wright, Gg, Me, Sc, Gs; C Wright, Sc, Pe; I Wright, Hi, Fr, (Ba); C Young, Bi, Ps^, Ch; J Young, Gg, Ba, Tt.

Rossett School, Harrogate

C Alexander biol, home ec, psychol; R Anderson-Badger eng lang, med stud, sociol; B Andrews-Bligh biol, phys, sport and pe; T Baker bus stud, geog; A Baravelli; S Barnett eng lit, psychol,rel stud; O Bell maths, Famaths, phys; R Benham art and des, hist, sociol; J Bennison bus stud, ap sci; R Biswakarma ap bus, ap sci; L Black eng lang, hist, sociol; K Bolam bus stud, textiles, med stud; G Bottomley art and des; K Bown dram theat studs, maths, phys; J Breeze biol, eng lang, eng lit; C Broom art and des, textiles; O Burnill eng lang, geog, sport and pe; A Burton prod des; J Cawthorne mus, mus tech; R Chatambarara health and soc2, ap sci; J Childs med stud, psychol; L Clark biol, eng lit, fr, span; S Clarke econ, maths, phys; B Crawford biol, geog, psychol; K Cummings eng lit, rel stud, sociol; N Da Rosa Horacio health and soc2, psychol; O Daly bus stud, prod des, sport and pe; J Day biol, chem, geog; S De Brunner geog, ict, psychol; A Dunbar eng lit; G Edwards eng lang, maths, psychol; S Elwen art and des, biol, eng lit; C Garner biol, phys, psychol; W Geldart bus stud, ict,maths; J Gilbertson eng lit, med stud, mus tech; D Gillbanks biol, psychol, sport and pe; M Godin art and des, biol, prod des; B Grace health and soc2; L Green ap bus; H Gulamhusein chem, maths, phys; J Hallas biol, maths, phys; L Hardy biol, chem, hist; D Harrison ap bus; J Harrison biol, dram theat studs, psychol; T Henley biol, chem, sport and pe;R Hewson ap bus,health and soc2;J Hill econ,hist,phys;J Hill ;K Ho biol,chem,geog;E Holman psychol,ap sci;J Howard ap bus,med stud,psychol;J Hudleston art and des,psychol,ap sci;A Jameson art and des,prod des;P Jones eng lit,rel stud, sociol; C Joomun eng lang, psychol, rel stud; R Kennedy biol, chem, maths; O Kokkinos dram theat studs, eng lang; J Korcu ap bus, psychol; P Kyriacou chem, maths, phys; N Leaver biol, chem, hist; D Leitch ict, med stud, psychol; H Leonard health and soc2,psychol;J Lewis fr,maths,Famaths;S Littlejohn maths,Famaths,phys;D Lovatt health and soc2,ap sci;A Marks chem,maths,phys;E Matthews biol,med stud,psychol;C McAlister-Payne chem,maths,phys;A McAvoy health and soc, mus, psychol; M McCaffrey biol, chem, fr; R McColl biol, chem, maths; D McDonald home ec; S McLoughlin eng lit, fr, rel stud; L McMurray geog, med stud, psychol; R Middleton biol, hist, phys; D Morrison maths, Famaths, phys; D Nassiri biol, chem, psychol; K Newbould biol, psychol, sport and pe; E Newell biol, eng lang, psychol; R North art and des, eng lit; R Pagkali bus stud, eng lit, psychol; B Parker econ, maths; G Pleasant health and soc2; J Porter bus stud, ict, ap sci; A Precious econ, geog; M Preston health and soc, psychol, sociol; L Price-Gerrard; K Pugh; M Randall bus stud, home ec, prod des; A Reeves biol, chem, maths; E Renicor dram theat studs, mus, psychol; K Richmond rel stud, sociol; A Robertson biol, health and soc, psychol; J Robertson-Major econ, eng lang, hist; R Robinson biol, geog, phys; H Roe dram theat studs, eng lit; S Rowntree; K Sandever hist, psychol, rel stud; E Scaife eng lang, rel stud, span; R Scaife dram theat studs, psychol; K Schofield health and soc2; C Seeber econ, maths, phys; G Shay art and des, home ec; J Shippam ict; L Simon health and soc2, psychol; B Smith eng lang, sociol, sport and pe; E Smith-Dunn biol, psychol, rel stud; A Sutton art and des, textiles, med stud; B Syres dram theat studs, mus tech; B Thompson biol, chem, fr, psychol; S Thong ict, maths, psychol; B Walbrook maths, Famaths, phys; E Walsh eng lit, hist, rel stud; B Walton geog, maths, phys; K Walton health and soc2; J Warner bus stud, psychol; B Watson maths, Famaths, phys; S Williams eng lit, psychol, rel stud; M Williamson maths, Famaths, phys; K Wood biol, chem, psychol; L Wray art and des; K Zhakata ict,ap sci.

Ashville College

B Adamson, biol, bus studs, psychol; J Albro, des tech, econ; S Allison, biol, geog, pe; K Allman-Varty, class civ, gen stud, gov and polits, hist; T Bailey, biol*, geog, pe**; P Barnhill, eng lang, gen stud, rel stud; S Bending, comp, maths, phys; J Bryant, econ, gen stud, geog, maths; C Bullock, chem*, f maths*, maths**, phys*; A Butcher, eng lit**, geog**, lat*; J Butterfield, econ, geog, pe; J Chan, chin*, maths, phys; L Chen, chem, chin, germ*, maths; R Chu, chem, chin, maths, phys; H Corbett, f maths*, maths**, phys*; S Cross, bus studs, des tech*, eng lang, gen stud; I Daffern, bus studs, eng lang, gen stud, psychol; P Dickerson, biol, maths, phys; M Dormer, eng lang**, geog*, hist*; H Dow, econ**, hist*, maths*; J Dowson, econ, env studs ,gen stud, geog; F Emsley, dram and theat studs, psychol, rel stud; K Fall, eng lang, geog, psychol; L Fenn, bus studs, econ, eng lang, gen stud*; B Foreman, econ, gen stud, maths, pe; J Frieze, eng lang**, eng lit**, hist*, epq*; N Hale, econ, maths, mus; J Harris, bus studs, des tech, eng lang; K Hayman, eng lang, gen stud, psychol, rel stud; B Heaton, biol, hist, psychol**; T Hill, Fr*, mus**, span*; B Hill-Baker, Fr*, eng lang**, span*; J Hindmarsh, bus studs, eng lang; N Hodgson bus studs, econ, geog; D James, des tech, phys, psychol; R Jenkinson, geog, pe; N Kemeny, econ, gen stud, hist, des tech; K Kippax, eng lit, psychol, rel stud; B Lilley des tech*, econ*, maths; A MacCuish, biol, Fr**, germ*; C Miller, biol*, chem**, maths*; S Miller, eng lang**, eng lit, span; D Minasian, comp, maths; E Mitchell, econ*, Fr*, hist*, span*; C Newsome, geog, hist art; O Oyeneyin, bus studs, econ; A Page, biol, chem, phys; J Pieri, eng lang**, eng lit**, hist**; A Ross, comp, hist, rel stud; J Rushbrooke, dram and theat studs, eng lang, pe; O Sadler, biol, chem, maths*; R Sims, econ*, geog, hist; M Stronach, dram and theat studs, gen stud, geog, P Sushko, f maths*, maths*, phys; W Tam, chin*, f maths, maths**, phys; C Troy, bus studs, class civ, gen stud, psychol; R Turcan, biol*, maths, psychol**; A Ukpong, gen stud, f maths*, maths*, phys; A Virdzekova, biol*, chem*, maths; M Wanichprasertporn, econ*, f maths*, maths**, phys*; O Ward, bus studs, des tech, gens studs, eng lang; H Winfield chem*, phys*, maths*.

Harrogate Ladies College

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J Afolabi; gov & polits, ap bus, psychol. D Allen; hist, gov & polits, span. WL Au-Yeung; acc, dram theat studs, maths, chin*. M Axon; hist*, maths, lat*. N Bandurina; maths, rus*, econ. G Barrett-Lenton; hist*, fr, eng lit. F Bell; bus studs*, psychol*, rel stud*. A Bowles; span, eng lit*, psychol*. L Brandstrom; class civ, ap bus*, psychol. S Carey; hist*, chem, econ**. E Carlson-Dunn; biol**, chem, maths. CC Chak; chem, maths, chin*. CY Chan; maths, psychol*, econ. H Chen; maths*, fmaths, chin. Q Cheung; maths, chin*, econ. YT Chu; chem, maths, chin, econ. M Docherty; eng lit, psychol, rel stud. SO Dumbo; class civ, textiles*, ap bus. T Esters; geog, chem, biol, ger**, maths. L Ghazali; eng lit*, psychol*, econ. A Gladkaya; psychol, rus*, photo. K Goodluck; acc, bus stud*, fr*, maths. B Grierson; biol, pe. R Gruenwald; psychol, econ, rel stud. H Hardy; bus stud, ger*, psychol, rel stud. OG Harry; bus stud, psychol, rel stud. K Heal; biol. H Heslop; span, eng lit, psychol. J Holtermann; ger*, maths, psychol. M Imevbore; ap bus, psychol, econ. E Kay-Coles; mus, span. Y Kolesnyk; chem, ger*, maths. KT Kong; acc, maths, chin, art. ST Lam; bus stud, chin, econ. UY Li; biol, maths, econ. S Liu; acc*, maths*, fmaths*. CN Lo; biol, chem, maths*. LTE Lo; biol, chem, maths. D Martin; geog, dram theat studs, span. A Noble; hist, gov & polits, fr. Y Qu; maths, chin, art. N Ralston; biol, ap bus*, psychol. N Roberts; psychol. Elsa Robinson; hist*, fr*, ger*. Emily Robinson; geog**, biol*, fr. O Shklyarik; econ. S Solomon; fr, span. L Talbot; class civ, fr, food tech. B Tapp; ap bus*, psychol, photo. YC Tong; phys, maths*, fmaths. MS Tse; biol, chem*, phys, maths*. G Waddington; bus stud, fr*, ger*. F Watson-West; geog, bus stud, photo. J Wiesflecker; maths*, fmaths*, psychol*. YT Wong; chin, food tech. F Wood; hist**, fr, eng lit**. Y Xing; chem, maths**, fmaths*, chin*. LY Yam: art, photo. Q Yan; acc*, maths**, fmaths**. SW Yim; hist, maths, econ. LD Zhang: maths**, fmaths, econ. Z Zhang; maths, chin, art*. J Zhong; chem, maths*, econ.

Harrogate High School

W Addyman btecbus, btecsport, A Barton btecbus, btechsc, J Bielby ict,phys,maths, R Bishwakarma btecbus, btecsport,S Brice btecsci, boil,chem , D Burgess btecsci, btecsport, hist , M Celik btecsport, J Chippendale btecbus, btecsport, S Choudhury btecart, prod des, G Churcher btecbus, C Clawson btechsc, btecart, btecbus, D Cooper btecbus, btecsport, J Craven btecsport, btecsci, N Crooks btecbus, btecsport, A Dickinson art, prod des, ict, S Dodds eng lit, hist,rs, K Fisher btechsc, btecbus, H Ford btechsc, btecart, btecsci, J Frith btecsport, L Goodwin btecbus, btecsport, C Gott bus, prod des, med, E Hannon eng lit, soc, R Haque prod des, maths, S Harris art, text, L Havercroft btechsc, btecbus, btecsci, C Hebblethwaite eco, eng, maths, T Horn btecbus, btecmusc, eng lit, hist , E Hullah btecart, btecbus, btecsci, B Ibrahimi btechsc, btecsci, soc, S Jabbal btecsport, J Kelly asd, btecsport, A Khalid biol, eng lit, maths, phys, psych, N Lingden btecart, btecbus, btecsport, C Lobley dram, eng lit, pa, J Madajczyk bus,maths, phys, J Mansbridge bus, prod des, ict, R Marshall biol, geog, maths, S McAlpine geog, maths, phys, S McAlpine btecsport, bus, S McCabe eng lit, eng, maths, A McKinley eng, eng lit, hist, E Murray btecart, btechsc, L Newbould btechsc, J Nicholls bus, eco, M Oates btechsc, text, pa, K Philipson eng lit, hist, rs, A Pilkington btecmusc, maths, eng lit, E Poulter btechsc, btecsci, eng lit, J Poulter btecbus, btecsport, R Poulter btecsport, L Richardson btecsci, btecsport, T Rowntree btecart, btecsport, K Sadowski btecsport, J Sanpher btecbus, btecsport, C Sarker dram, eng, L Still btechsc, art, J Sutton bus, eng lit, hist, W Swales btecsport, B Thackwray btecbus, btecsport, S Thebe eng lit, hist, psych, A Thompson btechsc, text, J Walker btecmusc, btecsport, med, L Walker btecsport, C Ward btecsport, M Ward btecbus, btecsport, J Watson btecbus, btecsci, C Webster art, text, rs, S Wharton btecart, dram, L Wheatley btecsport, ict, Z Zulffkar btecbus,

Ripon Grammar School


I Abbott, art, biol, psychol; W Ashton, chem*, frth maths**, maths**, phys*; K Avery, chem, gen studs, hist, maths; A Ayliffe, chem*, hist, maths; T Ayoub, busi studs*, econ*, maths*; R Baldwin, art**, eng lit**, hist*; M Barber, biol*, hist*, rel studs*; M Binks, chem*, maths*, phys; E Black, chem, geog, phys; S Bland, econ, gen studs, hist, psychol; J Bligh, econ*, frth maths*, maths**; F Boyce, biol, psychol, sport and pe; A Braithwaite, chem, econ, hist; B Briggs, econ*, gen studs, hist, rel studs*; J Bryden, chem*, mus**, psychol*; J Burgess, chem*, class civil*, frth maths*, maths**; J Canning, art**, chem, geog*; L Carling, eng lit, hist, psychol*; A Chan, busi studs, chem, chin*, maths; T Chan, biol, chem*, maths*; L Chapman, biol*, chem*, geog**; S Charlton, chem*, eng lit**, hist*; A Christy, biol, chem, sport and pe; M Clare, biol, chem, geog; J Coates, chem*, maths*, psychol; G Coppack, biol, chem*, hist; M Crompton, chem**, econ**, gen studs*, maths**; H Crowther, biol, econ, hist; E Don, art**, hist, psychol; R Duck, biol, econ, hist; W Dunn, biol, chem*, geog; M Dutka, eng lit**, hist, psychol; N Edwards, chem*, gen studs*, maths**, span; B Evans, econ*, hist, maths; J Fenlon, art*, fren, maths; E Fielding, eng lit**, hist*, phys**; G Foster, chem*, econ**, hist; C Fowler, eng lit, gen studs, hist, psychol; D Friday, biol, gen studs, maths, psychol; J Geldard, art**, chem**, maths*; M Gittings, art, busi studs, econ; J Grainger, class civil, eng lit, fren; S Gray, econ*, eng lit**, gen studs, span; M Hall, eng lit**, hist*, rel studs*; S Hart, gen studs, maths, mus tech, phys; E Hartley, biol*, chem**, maths*; M Hasan, biol, chem, gen studs**; G Haycock, hist, psychol; M Haynes, art**, ICT, maths**; E Hepple-Wilson, art**, biol, chem; L Hickingbotham, chem*, eng lit**, latin*, maths*; M Hill, art**, chem, maths*; J Ho, biol, chem, eng lit*; A Hoult, eng lit*, hist*, dram and theat studs**; O Howatson-Kerr, biol*, chem, sport and pe; J Hubbard, chem, hist, sport and pe; A Hurry, biol, chem*, germ*; S John, biol, eng lit, hist; E Johnson, biol, econ, hist; M Johnston, econ*, hist, maths*; A Johnstone, gen studs, hist, psychol; M Jones, eng lit**, hist, rel studs*; B Kerridge, chem*, maths*, phys*; M Kumarendran, biol**, chem**, frth maths**, maths**; A Lai, chem, chin, maths*, phys; H Lamb, biol, chem, maths; A Lane, biol, chem, gen studs, fren; L Langham, biol**, chem*, maths*; H Laws, biol, chem, maths*; E Lee, biol*, eng lit**, hist*; E Lees, chem, class civil; J Lewis, biol*, chem*, germ*, maths; M Lockyer, chem, eng lit, hist; V Luty, chem, hist, sport and pe; K Marsden, eng lit**, psychol, rel studs*; A Mason, eng lit*, germ, hist; A McCann, chem*, fren**, latin*, maths; K McCormack, art**, biol, chem*; A Messenger, chem, maths, psychol*; S Millar, eng lit*, gen studs, psychol, rel studs; J Morgan, biol*, chem, fren; H Moss, eng lit**, psychol*, dram and theat studs*; Z Mudge, frth maths*, maths**, phys*; S Murray, econ, eng lit*, hist; A Nanton, chem, eng lit, maths; T Newby, biol, econ*, gen studs*, hist; C Nixon, art, psychol, sport and pe; Z O’Brien, chem*, frth maths*, maths**, phys; C Painter, biol, chem, psychol; S Pearson, biol*, geog**, hist**; G Peat, chem**, maths*, phys; Y Prendergast, chem*, econ, maths; H Probert, biol*, chem, geog*; G Robinson, art, chem, fren; L Robinson, chem, econ; A Roy, biol, chem, maths; A Salisbury, busi studs, psychol, span; H Saul, busi studs, gen studs, geog, maths; M Scannell, art*, eng lit**, hist; O Scarratt, frth maths*, hist*, maths**; S Sladen, chem, econ, gen studs*, hist; B Smith, eng lit, fren, hist; R Sowersby, fren, maths, psychol; J Stockdale, econ, gen studs, geog, sport and pe; D Stone, fren, frth maths*, maths**, phys*; T Stringer, frth maths**, hist, maths**; M Swiers, biol**, chem**, frth maths*, maths**; J Thornton, des tech, frth maths*, maths**, phys*; V Trayer, art, chem, fren; E Vause, class civil*, eng lit**, psychol*; S Veitch, art**, eng lit**, fren, hist; J Walker, fren, maths, phys; P Walker, chem, des tech, gen studs, maths,phys; E Walpole, chem, eng lit**, hist; E Walton, biol*, eng lit**, fren; M Walton, busi studs, gen studs, geog, maths*; T Whitaker, biol, chem, ICT; J Whiteside, chem, geog*, psychol*; F Whitham, eng lit, fren, psychol; E Willis, geog, psychol, sport and pe; R Yamoah, biol*, chem*, psychol; C Yates, biol, eng lit*, gen studs*, rel studs*; H Yates, biol, eng lit**, gen studs, hist.


E Abbott, biol, chem*, maths*, psychol*; B Abel, art*, chem*, gen studs, maths, psychol*; H Aksamit-Hollingworth, crit think, eng lit, fren*, hist, latin; L Anderson, art*, chem*, maths*, psychol*; W Andrew, busi studs, econ, sport and pe; J Andrews, biol, chem*, econ, maths*; B Archer, biol, chem, hist, maths; E Armstrong, biol, econ, eng lit, psychol; A Ashton, biol, econ, hist, psychol; J Atherley, crit think, eng lit*, gen studs*, hist*, latin*, maths*; C Bailey, biol, chem*, frth maths*, maths*; H Bailey, biol, chem*, maths*, psychol; J Baker, biol*, chem*, maths*, phys*; L Bakes, art*, biol, eng lit, gen studs, psychol; L Bartlem, econ, fren, hist, maths; S Bartlem, art*, des tech, maths, phys; D Bates, chem*, econ*, maths*, phys*; E Beaumont, art*, biol*, fren*, psychol*; T Beaumont, biol*, chem*, geog*, rel studs*; R Bernard, biol, fren, geog, sport and pe*; A Blyton, art*, chem*, gen studs, maths*, phys; B Boarman, art, chem, crit think, gen studs, maths, rel studs; M Botros, art, biol, chem; T Bowe, biol, chem, gen studs, maths, psychol; L Bradwell, art, hist; E Brook, busi studs, gen studs, psychol; J Brown, econ*, frth maths*, maths*, phys; J Burton, chem, econ, geog, maths; M Butterell, biol, busi studs, econ, sport and pe; D Castle-Ward, crit think*, eng lit*, geog*, hist*, maths*; A Chapman, biol, eng lit*, hist, psychol; E Chase, biol, chem, econ, geog; K Cheung, art*, psychol, sport and pe; K Christensen, biol, econ, maths; H Cleary, econ, eng lit, fren, hist; A Dale, busi studs, dram and theat studs, fren, germ; S Dale, biol, class civil, fren, psychol; A Dant, biol*, chem, gen studs*, hist, maths; S Dean, chem, eng lit, hist, psychol; M Dias, biol, busi studs, fren, psychol*; J Donaldson, biol*, chem*, maths*, frth maths*; Z Duffy, germ, maths*, frth maths, psychol; A Durkin, biol*, chem*, maths, rel studs*; E Dwyer, biol*, chem*, maths*, phys; Y Ebert, econ*, frth maths*, maths*, rel studs; A Elvidge, crit think, econ, eng lit, hist, mus; B Evans, busi studs, hist, maths, psychol; T Fallows, biol, eng lit, gen studs*, mus tech*, phys; J Finkill, econ, frth maths, maths*, phys*; M Ford, biol, geog, ICT, psychol; V Frost, art*, des tech*, eng lit*, psychol*; F Garth, eng lit, fren*, psychol, span*; A Gatford, busi studs, gen studs, sport and pe; I Gould, eng lit, geog*, maths, phys; C Grant, econ, maths, phys, psychol; M Griffiths, biol*, chem*, maths*, span*; K Grime, art*, eng lit, fren, psychol; B Grimmer, art*, busi studs*, des tech, gen studs, psychol; C Hall, biol*, chem*, hist, maths*; F Hall, class civil*, gen studs*, germ, hist*, rel studs*; J Hamilton, art, chem, maths, psychol*; G Harris, biol, chem, maths, phys; J Harris, gen studs, hist, maths, psychol, rel studs; C Hill, biol*, chem*, maths, phys*; E Hope, art*, biol*, chem*, crit think, maths; E Horsley, biol, econ, geog, maths; L Hoskison, biol*, chem*, class civil*, maths; F Houseman, biol, chem, fren, psychol; M Jameson-Allen, geog, maths, phys, psychol*; D Kane, biol, chem, maths, psychol; B Kitchen, biol, chem, dram and theat studs, rel studs; B Knights, biol, chem, econ, hist; W Knowles, chem*, fren*, geog, span*; E Lamb, econ*, frth maths*, gen studs*, maths*, phys*; R Langdale, biol, chem, econ, maths; M Latham, biol, chem*, geog, psychol*; D Lawson, biol*, chem, hist, maths*; P Lindley, busi studs, ict, maths; N Livesey, art*, biol, eng lit, fren*, gen studs; T Lonsdale, des tech, gen studs*, hist, maths, phys; T Lumsden, class civil, crit think, eng lit, gen studs, hist, rel studs; C Lumsdon, eng lit, fren*, gen studs, germ, psychol*; E Lyons, econ*, eng lit, hist, rel studs*; C Lythe, busi studs, gen studs, psychol, sport and pe; B Maddison, busi studs, des tech, maths, phys; A Mansfield, chem*, crit think*, hist, maths*, span*; D Marles, art*, eng lit, gen studs, hist, psychol; M Marston, fren*, geog*, germ, hist*; E Martin, eng lit, fren, germ, maths; C McCauley, biol, chem, hist; L Miles, biol, chem*, fren, gen studs*, maths; E Morrell, art*, chem, maths, phys; L Mumford, art*, eng lit, hist, psychol; J Muscroft Paylor, chem*, frth maths, maths*, phys; L Nicholson, busi studs, econ; I Oakes, busi studs, dram and theat studs, fren, psychol; D Owens, chem*, frth maths*, gen studs, maths*, phys*; E Pallott, biol*, chem*, maths*, phys; B Pease, art*, des tech*, maths*, phys*; E Peirson, art*, biol*, chem*, gen studs, maths*; A Penny, art, eng lit, fren, gen studs, hist; B Pilling, chem*, fren*, gen studs, hist, span*; M Pimley, econ*, eng lit*, fren*, gen studs*, hist*; S Place, biol, chem, gen studs*, maths, rel studs; O Pond, biol, chem, maths; T Pope, biol, chem*, frth maths*, maths*; J Probert, biol, chem, gen studs, maths, phys; R Quinn, art, eng lit; J Ranson, chem, econ*, frth maths, maths*; S Reed, art*, eng lit, gen studs, hist, psychol; J Render, chem, class civil, econ, hist; C Richardson, chem*, frth maths*, maths*, phys; K Richardson, biol, chem, phys, span; A Rutherford, biol, chem, eng lit, maths*; J Rutherford, eng lit*, hist, maths*, rel studs*; D Sargeant, art*, biol, eng lit, gen studs, hist; H Scholes, art*, biol*, chem*, gen studs*, maths; M Scullion, biol, chem, fren, gen studs, maths; D Sharkey, chem, econ, maths, phys; T Sladen, class civil*, eng lit, hist, psychol; I Sykes, art*, crit think, eng lit*, hist, psychol; L Thompson, eng lit, fren, hist, rel studs; K Treasure, biol, chem, class civil*, maths; J Turner, art, gen studs, ICT, maths, phys; J Unwin, eng lit, hist; M Vesty, biol*, chem*, maths*, phys*; L Walker, biol*, busi studs, sport and pe; G Watkiss, biol, chem*, maths, psychol; E Wilby, biol, chem*, hist, phys; D Williams, econ, frth maths, maths*, phys; T Willis, biol*, chem*, crit think, gen studs*, maths*, psychol*; E Wood, biol, hist, psychol, sport and pe; R Wood, chem*, frth maths*, maths*, phys*; K Woodcock, chem*, eng lit, fren, frth maths*, maths*.

Tadcaster Grammar School

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P Abbey chem*, maths*, phys*, gen studs; K Allanach hist, psychol, sociol*; Z Allison med studs, photy**; T Anderson econ*, geog, law, gen studs**; P Austin chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**, gen studs*; R Barker dram and theat studs, econ*, eng lit*; L Barritt eng lit, geog, psychol, gen studs; E Beanland geog, health and soc c, gen studs; T Bell biol**, chem*, psychol**, gen studs*; J Bilton prod des*, econ, gen studs; D Bird account, fren*, maths, gen studs; L Booth eng lit, geog; H Bowden biol, chem, eng lit**, gen studs*; A Bowes biol**, chem**, phys**, gen studs; C Brady apld busi, pe; A Brewster econ, law*, maths; J Britton biol, chem, dram and theat studs, gen studs; O Brook busi studs, psychol; T Burtenshaw gen studs; C Carlton econ; C Carstens prod des, elect; L Cass law, psychol, gen studs; W Clark hist, law, rel studs, gen studs; T Clayton econ*, law, gen studs; A Collins biol, chem, maths, gen studs; S Collins apld busi, prod des, elect; B Connor biol, chem, geog; A Corbin art**, eng lit, photy**, gen studs; L Crook econ, law, psychol; S Dale geog, germ*, psychol; W Darley maths*, phys, elect*, gen studs; T Darlison maths**, frth maths**, phys*, elect*; J Daubney sociol, elect; L Dean eng lit**, hist*, rel studs, gen studs; E Drydale art, apld busi, hist; E Durham biol**, chem**, geog**, gen studs*; A Fairley eng lit, hist, psychol, gen studs; C Foster art, eng lit, law; T Franklin biol, chem*, gen studs; G Gargan eng lit**, hist, law*, gen studs**; A Gibby chem, maths, phys, gen studs; J Goodwin geog, psychol, sociol*; C Grogan chem, maths, psychol, gen studs; S Hannington psychol, sociol; G Hardcastle dram and theat studs; E Hardy law, rel studs, sociol; G Hardy apld busi, health and soc c, pe, rel studs; B Harrison psychol; A Hegarty econ, law, sociol, gen studs; D Hogarth econ, hist, sociol, gen studs; K Hornshaw biol*, chem, phys, gen studs*; C Hudson chem**, econ**, geog**, gen studs*; O Hudson chem, econ, maths, gen studs; N Hurst apld busi, psychol; J Isherwood econ, law, gen studs; O Jeffrey-Parkinson geog, hist, law, gen studs; B Jewer art**, biol*, eng lit**, gen studs**; L Johnson biol*, chem*, psychol; M Jones prod des, photy; E Karn art**, biol*, eng lit, gen studs; S Kenyon maths, elect; L Kirwin eng lang, law, psychol, gen studs; M Knipe econ, law, psychol, gen studs; T Lee biol, chem, econ, gen studs; M Lewis chem*, maths*, pe*, gen studs; N Lofthouse textiles, photy; D Macey apld busi, hist; C Manson hist, maths; J Marston econ, geog*, rel studs, gen studs; A Mason biol, econ, geog*, gen studs; O Mason geog; F McCallum maths, phys; L McCarthy art, eng lit, psychol, gen studs; I McLure biol**, eng lit*, psychol**, gen studs*; S Middlemiss biol, geog, germ, gen studs*; L Murkin prod des, med studs, photy; H Naylor psychol, sociol; T Neylon maths, psychol, elect; L O’Neill biol, geog, psychol, gen studs; A Parker maths**, frth maths*, phys*; J Pike gen studs; S Pratt health and soc c, sociol; N Prince biol, maths; A Redfearn biol, chem, eng lit, gen studs; J Redfearn art, eng lit, photy**, gen studs; B Roberts biol, eng lit, hist, gen studs**; J Robinson chem, maths, phys; A Rutherford pe; A Sadler photy, psychol, gen studs; H Savage chem*, eng lit, hist, gen studs; B Scaum elect; H Schmidt account*, econ*, maths*, gen studs; O Scullion apld busi, pe, rel studs, gen studs; K Shann apld busi; H Smallwood prod des*, dram and theat studs*, hist, gen studs**; C Smith eng lit, hist*, psychol, gen studs; G Smith econ, germ, hist, gen studs; J Snowden maths, mus, phys; J Soar eng lit, law, psychol, gen studs; R Sodhi chem, maths, phys, gen studs; K Staples photy, psychol; H Stone biol*, chem*, maths*; E Strangeway apld busi, health and soc c, psychol, gen studs; T Sugden art; H Swires hist; J Sykes law, psychol, prod des; K Taylor biol**, chem**, psychol**, gen studs**; R Temple chem, law, maths; H Templeton psychol; S Thomas biol, hist, psychol*, gen studs; Z Thompson chem**, prod des**, maths*, gen studs; A Turner biol*, chem*, geog**, gen studs; F Vahey econ, geog, law**; A Venable biol, apld busi*, geog, gen studs; S Voutsidis apld busi, prod des*, med studs, gen studs; A Walmsley biol**, chem*, phys*, gen studs**; M Walmsley geog, rel studs, sociol; K Wannop maths**, germ*, frth maths**, gen studs*; J Want elect; W Watts apld busi, pe, psychol, gen studs; M Whitfield geog; A Williams chem, econ, hist; I Wilson eng lang*, law**, psychol*, gen studs*; M Wilson dram and theat studs**, eng lit, rel studs, gen studs; C Wise eng lang, geog*, psychol, gen studs*; G Woolley chem, geog*, psychol, gen studs.

Wetherby High School

A Archibald econ, food tech, biol; N Arian hist, psychol, biol; S Atkinson eng lit, dram and theat studs; M Bachurek polish, photy; M Bagnall fine art, prod des; G Beaumont busi studs, psychol, biol; A Begum sociol, hist, psychol; L Belk sociol, gov and polits, hist; J Bennett sociol, dram and theat studs; M Blin eng lit*, dram and theat studs, biol; J Bruce busi studs, med studs; D Bullamore chem*, phys**, maths**, Fmaths**; D Burley hist, psychol; R Caulton busi studs, pe; J Chester chem*, maths*, biol*; L Darracott busi studs, psychol, maths; M Dransfield eng lang and lit, geog, hist; L Evers ict, photy; B Gilmour-Hughes eng lit, hist, biol; D Gough food tech, biol, pe; E Hague med studs, eng lang and lit, photy; D Hall chem, biol, pe; S Hunter textiles, med studs, dram and theat studs; R Jheeta med studs, prod des, pe; M Johnson prod des, photy; K Jordan econ, gov and polits, hist; S Kerry med studs*, eng lang and lit, hist; B King sociol*, dram and theat studs, hist; B Leach food tech, textiles, med studs; E Leah med studs, photy; E Lees eng lit*, geog*, maths*; C Macpherson food tech, textiles; H Mailey chem*, phys**, maths**, Fmaths**; A Malik chem*, biol; E Matthews food tech, psychol, biol; C Matthews eng lang and lit, gov and polits, hist; C Newcombe med studs, dram and theat studs, prod des; L Nicholls chem, psychol, biol; T Noble chem*, maths*, ict; J O’Connor fine art, prod des, photy**; E Orange food tech, med studs; G Padbury-Hunt dram and theat studs, psychol; H Parrish geog, hist, biol; E Paton med studs, eng lang and lit, dram and theat studs; K Pawson, sociol, food tech, eng lang and lit; J Pringle chem, geog, ict; R Purves eng lang and lit, gov and polits, hist; S Rathour chem, geog, biol; A Roberts chem, phys, maths; J Rothwell food tech, biol, pe; J Rowell phys, prod des; S Russell chem**, phys**, maths**; F Sandford eng lit, hist*, biol; A Sangra chem, hist, biol; B Spencer med studs, photy; D Spencer chem, phys, hist; N Tsang chem, maths, biol; K Tucker med studs*, psychol, pe*; L Vieira Fernandes port*; A Walker med studs; C Ward chem, hist, biol**; J Wilkins busi studs, eng lang and lit*, biol; S Yasin fine art.

Boroughbridge High School

R Appleton: rel stud, sociol, sport and pe; E Backhouse: health and soc, sociol; J Bradley: geog, hist; C Brown; eng lit, rel stud; D Brownrigg: eng lit, geog, maths; K Bunyan: psychol, sociol; M Danby: health and soc, sport and pe; R Darwin: health and soc; K Day: sociol, eng lit, hist; S Dumbreck: health and soc, eng lit, sport and pe; R Dunn: ap bus, health and soc; K Farrer: sport and pe, health and soc; D Fieldhouse: gen stud, geog, hist, ap ict; A Fincham: gen stud, hist, rel stud; K Fisher: ap bus, health and soc; O Foreman: geog, maths, phys; J Gardner: sport and pe; M Gibson: fine art; H Green: gen stud, geog, hist; C Hargreaves: ap bus, sociol, geog; M Haugh: ap bus, gen stud, rel stud; T Hawkins: gen stud, geog, hist, pe; A Husband: psychol, hist, maths; B Jones: maths, chem, phys; A Keddie: ap bus, health and soc, sociol; S Kelly: geog, ap ict; D Lever: ap bus, geog, pe; J Mannion: hist, maths, pe; T Martin: gen stud, eng lit, geog, hist; F Marturano: health and soc, sociol, span; F Paragreen: gen stud, prod des, hist; W Paragreen: ap bus, eng lit, geog; E Peacock: ap bus, health and soc; E Pearson: eng lit, hist, rel stud; O Reynolds: ap bus, geog, ap ict; P Richardson: ap bus, psychol, ap ict; J Rimmer: geog, ap ict, maths; A Shaw: ap bus, ap ict, maths; E Spencer-Blanchard: ap bus, health and soc, sociol; L Spoka: art, rus; J Sweet: ap bus, geog, ap ict; A Tooke: eng lit, psychol, rel stud; M Verrill: health and soc, sport and pe; L Walkington: geog, maths, biol; M Ward: geog, maths; E Watson: psychol; G Whithead: ap bus, eng lit, geog; T Winterburn: photo, sociol, eng lang and lit; S Witham: geog, maths, biol.

Outwood Academy, Ripon

S, Anderson,sport and pe****,cpld,;L, Bamford,eng lang,apld sci,psychol;S, Blanchard,eng lang,sport and pe****;J, Bolam,busi studs**,health and soc c2****;D, Booth,apld busi,psychol,econ,trav and tour**;T, Brockie,sport and pe****,apld sci;H ,Brown,busi studs**,spor and pe****,;B, Daniel,eng lit,eng lang,psychol,hist;G, Evans,sport and pe;D, Fazliu,apld sci**,health and soc c2 ****,busi studs**;N, Hardcastle,apld sci**,health and soc C2****;C ,Hillary,psychol,health and soc c2****,cpld*;N, Hodgson,,apld sci**,sport and pe****;M, Jaskolski,busi studs**,sport and pe**;E, Langley,apld sci**,health and soc c2****;E, Leigh,health and sco c2****;J, Leith,eng lang,art and des,psychol,trav and tour**;N, Mason,eng lang,apld sci**,health and sco c2****;W, Musemwa,eng lang,apld sci**,health and soc c2****;N, Patchett,psychol,health and soc c2****,cpld**;S, Reeton,apld sci**,busi studs**;C, Richardson,health and soc c2****,cpld;B, Rodgers,eng lang,health and soc c2****,cpld;A,Salt,psychol,apld sci**,trav and tour**;J, Scawthorn,apld ict,eng lang,art and des,apld sci**;R, Sheldon,eng lang,art and des,psychol,busi studs;J, Stainthorpe,apld sci**,busi studs**,sport and pe****;S, White,eng lang,med studs;A, Whittaker,busi studs**,health and sco c2****.

Gateways School

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C Atkinson art and des**, geog*, psychol*; C Barker biol, eng lit, geog**; L Cameron art and des, apld busi; C Chambers apld busi, geog, rel studs; A Duffy econ, geog, rel studs; J Gill art and des, apld busi, eng lang; M Hirst art and des**, hist, rel studs*; A Hollingworth art and des, apld bus; E Hollis art and des, med studies; S Johnson ict, med studs; C Lascelles eng lit, hist, med studs; A Liles biol, eng lang; V Lindsay eng lit, hist, psychol; N Nila art and des* , eng lit*, geog; C Reed biol, chem, maths; B Sitek apld busi, dram and theat studs, med studs*; L Stubbs geog**, maths*, psychol**; H Thelwell eng lang; H Titman art and des, eng lang, med studs; I Underwood-Finn geog*, maths*, phys; E Wood fren*, geog**, maths*; E Woodhall biol, chem, geog.

Sherburn High School

A Allenby, Gg,It(A*),Ph; D Ballance, Sp; J Barker, Gg,It(A),Ps; M Barton, It(A),Me; H Bell, Ar,It(A*),Sp; C Bramley, Ch(A*),Fm(A),Ma(A*),Ps(A); D Catton, Fm,It(A*),Ma; L Clark, Bu,En,Hi; J Clarke, Bu,Gg,Sp(A); J Colton,Ch,Fm(A),It(A*),Ma(A*); R Cook, Bu,It(A*),Ps; C Crisp, Ar,Hh,It(A*); J Croft, It; C Ding, Ar,Hi; V Fensom, Bu,Hh,It(A); C Harmer, Bu; K Hayes, En,It(A*),Ps; E Healey, Bi,Ch,Gg(A*),Ps(A); J Hopkins, Hi,It(A),Sp(A); A Hyland, Fm,It(A*),Ma(A),Ph; Rebecca Jackson, Bi,Ch,Hi; Rebekka Jackson, Bu,Hh; B Jones,Bu,Gg; R Lakin, Bi,Ma(A),Ps(A); B Lewis, Ec,Ma,Ph; K Mills, Gg,It(A),Ma; C Nash, En,Hi,Ps; B Norris, Bu,Pt; D Parker, Ch,Ma,Ph; K Pearson, Ar,Hh,It(A); J Robinson, It; A Romans, It,Me; B Rumford, Bu,Sp; A Shave, Bu,Gg; E Stone, Fr,Hi,It(A*); C Streatfield, En,Ma,Ph; J Thirkill, It,Sp; M Thornton, Bu,It(A*),Me; G Walker, Bu,En,Ps; M Walker, Me; C Walter, Sp; H Watson, It(A),Me; R Whelan, It,(A),Me,Pt.


L Ambler, Pt; E Atkinson, Me, Ps, So; J Aylesbury, Bi, El, Gg, Me; D Ballance, Bu, Ma; H Bell, Ma; J Bryan, Ma, Me, Ph; L Daly, Bi, Ch, Hi, Ma; C Ding, Pt; J Doherty, Gg, Ps; G Dovey, Ar; S Firn, Hi; K Firth, Ma; G Fletcher, El, Gg, Ma, Me; B Haley, En; M Hardaker, Bu, En, Ps; T Hayes, En, Me; K Hayward, El, Gg, Ps; J Johnson, En; P Keetley, El, Ma, Me; A Krasnoselska, Bu, Ps; M Langdale, En, Gg; Alice Lawton, Ar, Ps, Tt; Amy Lawton, El, Hh; G Lillywhite, En, La; B Milner, En; S Monks, En; A Nicholson, Ar, El, Hh; K Nicholson, Ar, Hh; Casey Oakley, Bu, Hh, Ma; Chantelle Oakley, Tf; A Page, Bu, El, Ps; A Romans, En; A Smith, Ar, El, En, Pt; E Stone, El; M Streeter, Dr, Dt; C Streatfield, Fm; C Tate, Bu, En; B Thornton, Ar, En; J Wainwright, Dt; C Walter, Ps; E Wilson, Me; J Wilson, Bi, Ch.

Exam key

Grade A passes marked by an asterisk (*);

Grade A-star passes marked by two asterisks (**).

Subjects: accounting –account; ancient history –anc history; applied art and design –apld art and des; applied art and design (dble award) –apld art and des2; applied business –apld busi; applied business (dble award) –apld busi2; applied icT –apld ict; applied icT (dble award) – apld ict2; applied performing arts –apld perform arts; applied science –apld sci; arabic –arab; archeology – arc; art –art; art and Design –art and des; Bengali –beng; Biology –biol; Biology and human Biology –biol and hum biol; Business studies –busi studs; chemistry –chem; chinese –chin; classical civilisation –class civil; communication studies –com studs;

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computing – comp; critical Thinking –crit think; Dance – dance; Design and Technology –des tech; Drama and theatre studies –dram and theat studs; economics – econ; economics and business studies – econ and busi studs; electronics – elect; english lang –eng lang; english lang and lit –eng lang and lit; english lit –eng lit; environmental science –environ sci; film studies –film

fine art –fine art; french – fren; furthermaths –frth maths; general studies –gen studs;

geography –geog; geology –geol; german –germ; government and politics –gov and polits; graphics communication –graphic com; gujerati –guj; health and social care –health and soc c; health and social care (dble award) – health and soc c2; human biology –hum biol; history –hist; history of art –hist art; home ec –home ec; ict - ict; latin –lat; law –law; leisure studies –leis studs; leisure studies (dble award) –leis studs2; maths –maths; maths (further additional) – FAmaths; media studies –med studs; music –mus; music technology –mus tech; panjabi –panj;

performance studies –perf studs; performing arts –perf arts; philosophy –philos; pe –pe; photography –photy; physics –phys; product Design –prod des; psychology –psychol; Religious studies –rel studs; Russian –russ; science –sci; sociology –sociol; spanish –span; sport and physical education –sport and pe; statistics –stats; Textiles –textiles; Theatre studies –theat studs; Travel and Tourism – trav and tour; Travel and Tourism (dble award) –trav and tour2; Urdu-Urdu.