School life: Brighouse High students show their love for literacy

The school works hard to promote the importance and enjoyment of readingThe school works hard to promote the importance and enjoyment of reading
The school works hard to promote the importance and enjoyment of reading
We are working hard at Brighouse High to promote the importance and enjoyment of reading and to develop skills of research and enquiry.

The library and resource centre at Brighouse High School has undergone a refurbishment and change of identity. Student librarians are helping plan events and run the library and early impressions are that the hub will be a success

Our RSC Shakespeare LIVE was challenging and inspiring. Year nine watched a contemporary production of Hamlet. Exposure to this level of literature and performance can increase students’ interest in Shakespeare and heritage knowledge. As part of this experience the students were asked to engage in a wider reading activity and produced some work after the event. The play has been produced as part of the outreach work the Royal Shakespeare company are currently using to promote Shakespeare texts within school.

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We are fortunate in the LMH to resource a number of book clubs; the ‘Boys Book Group’ and the ‘Gifted and Talented Book Group’ being amongst them. Students have been selected to participate in a reading challenge. The first stage is a Wednesday Lunch Reading Club where we will read set books and discuss, challenge and review the texts. Certain pupils will then be selected for ‘The Calderdale Children’s Book of The Year Award’ and will represent the school.

World Book Day at the school had an unusual twist this year. Pupils in Year seven asked if they could bring their slippers to school to make their reading experiences in the library more comfortable. The school invited pupils into the school’s new learning and media hub to read and share favourite books