Letter: Keep calm and carry on brexiting

Keep calm and carry on brexitingKeep calm and carry on brexiting
Keep calm and carry on brexiting
Six months on and the decision to leave the EU still rankles.

The country voted by a narrow majority (52 per cent) to leave the EU. David Cameron described it as “a very clear decision” when he resigned. Since we live in a democracy, whether or not you approve of the choice it must be respected.

Churchill conceded that democracy was not perfect, but was at least better than any other form of government we had tried.

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In 1973, as an idealistic young man, I voted to join the European Common Market. However in the intervening decades several decisions have been made which cause me concern; perhaps I should have anticipated problems as our relatively small nation was absorbed into the vastness of Europe.

I resent the erosion of Parliamentary sovereignty and the supremacy of the European Court of Human Rights.

I am extremely worried by unrestricted immigration. Some of the consequences resulting from the Common Agricultural and Fisheries policies seem absurd; for instance the ludicrous subsidies paid to inefficient farmers, and our loss of control over our coastal fishing grounds.

Being now older, and perhaps marginally wiser, I voted last year to leave the EU. It was not a difficult decision.

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Hopefully, before too long, we will alight the Brussels ‘gravy train’, which will rumble on with one less carriage.

I an unconcerned by the ‘expert’ forecasts of the doom-mongers, or by the petulance of those with money to burn who have taken to the courts.

I only hope that we shall not become a nation divided permanently against itself by this issue.

In the meanwhile I suggest we let the dust settle, and ‘Keep Calm, and Carry On’, an attitude which has served us pretty well in the past.

EA Benson, Cannon Hall Drive, Clifton

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