Parents defend school amid uncertainty over its future

Parents of children at Cragg Vale Junior and Infant School have spoken out after the first steps in deciding the school's fate were taken last week.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet agreed for a pre-consultation exercise to start with parents, to look at relocating Cragg Vale Junior and Infant School’s pupils at other more appropriate site(s). But proud parents of the school have said their children thrive in the “positive, happy, caring” environment it provides.

In a letter to the Hebden Bridge Times, they said: “The quality of teaching and learning is excellent, delivering very strong results. This year, as well as excellent EYFS and Key Stage 1 results, our Key Stage 2 SATs results are significantly higher than the national average and amongst the strongest in Calderdale.

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“Cragg Vale School has a very special, nurturing ethos. The children care for each other, regardless of age or year group and are incredibly proud of their school. Our children are educated in a very well-rounded way. Extra-curricular activities are positively embraced and the school usually punches well above it’s weight. The school also has a very strong community spirit. We would like to thank the staff, and the wider school community, for consistently providing a first-class learning experience. We urge the Local Authority and local politicians to act with care, diligence and responsibility to take our special, well-loved, high-performing school forward.”