Why you need to register with the Halifax Courier to get the latest news and sport for free

The Halifax Courier brings you all of your local news and sport for free online - but you need to register to access all of our stories.The Halifax Courier brings you all of your local news and sport for free online - but you need to register to access all of our stories.
The Halifax Courier brings you all of your local news and sport for free online - but you need to register to access all of our stories.
You may have noticed that the Halifax Courier has made some important changes to our website. We're always looking at ways of making the experience on our websites better for you, our readers.

We've tried to answer all of your questions below but if you have further questions, want to share feedback on the new sign-in process, or just want to say ‘hello’ please email [email protected]. We’d love to know what you think about the process and how we can keep improving the site. Thanks for continuing to be part of our community.

What’s happening?

You are being asked to register or sign in - for free - to continue to get unlimited access to our content.

What’s does it mean for me?

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Once you’re signed in, we’ll be able to make sure the content you see is more relevant to you, and you’ll be able to help us continue to improve it.

What do I have to do?

If you already have a login, just use your username and password to sign in. You may be asked to update your password or to confirm your name, so we can be sure we have the right contact details for you. And if you don’t already have a password, you’ll just need to create one to get going. And that’s it!

What about my data?

Rest assured, we still won’t pass any of your details onto third parties and we won’t bombard you with emails - unless you ask us to.

Will I have to register more than once?

No. You will only have to register once and then you log in to our website from each of your devices. When you log-in for the first time, we will keep you logged in on that device - provided your browser settings allow it.

Other local news brands don’t do this, so why are you?

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We want to be able to give you the best experience possible on our websites. By giving us your details we can make sure you get best content and offers that are relevant to you. You will have noticed several other sites, like the BBC, who are asking readers to log-in first - so we aren’t the only ones. Over time we will be improving our site and the people who are registered with us will get the benefits of this.

What kind of better reader or user experience could I expect to get?

Improvements such as recommending content we think you’ll like. Or notifying you about things you’ve told us you like, such as new openings in your area. Finally, personalising parts of the site to your tastes, including emails and article recommendations.

Also we may use it for business or legal purposes, such as dealing with any requests you make or content you submit. Equally, we may get in touch if we need to tell you about something new, have an offer or, notify you of an issue or change to our service.

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Will the websites work any quicker once I register, and will I see fewer adverts?

Not immediately, but over time it is our intention to improve the website experience for the people who are fully registered with us.

How about if I follow you on Facebook - will I still have to register to read stories?

Yes you will. You can use your Facebook profile to very quickly log-in to our website - once you’ve done that you won’t have to do it again!

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When I try and register my postcode won't be accepted. What can I do?

Make sure that you enter your postcode in the format A12 3BC. If you are accessing the website from overseas, the postcode field is optional, so you will be able to register by leaving the box blank.

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